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Charles J.
Instrument maker, Instrument restorer and repairer
English, Spanish, German, Italian

I grew up in New York and in 1974 traveled to Europe to learn violin making. After 3 years at the Newark School of Violin Making in England, I returned home to work as a restorer in the studio of Vahakn Nigogosian,, who trained in Paris in the 1920s and later was the personal assistant of Simone Sacconi in New York. In 1980 I moved to Chicago and worked 4 years with Carl Becker as a restorer and maker. In 1983 I returned home to New York and make new violins, violas, and celli, which have appeared with many orchestras but also are treasured by non-professional players. If you have any interest in my work it will be my pleasure to show you the fruit of my studies and labors.
8 Elm Street
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